Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Huckleberry Finn Should Not be taught in CHS

Huck Finn is being read all over the nation. It is also probably the most talked about issue about over being read in schools. I will tell you a couple of reasons why I think that it should not be taught in Constitution High School. This is what I think.
The first reason why I think that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in Con High is because of the language. The language in this book is horrible. They use the “N” word way too much. That should not be written in any books for kids to read. Young kids should not be exposed to that kind of language. The grammar in the story is also horrible. You should speak properly. Talk right instead of saying yall and git, that is not the right way to talk.
Another reason why Huck Finn should not be taught in CHS is that there are a lot of bad influences. You do not want students to be subjected to that type of influences. Some of the influences are smoking, drinking, joining gangs. Smoking is bad. Kids should not be taught about smoking. They also drank alcohol. Both drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes should not be exposed to those type of things. Huck Finn joined a gang. They were talking about holding people for hostage and killing people. They should not be reading that kind of stuff.
Growing up kids were being told that lieing is bad. To tell the truth when you have to. Well, in Huck Finn all he does is lie. Huck Finn lies about everything. He lies about pretending to be like people. He pretended to be like Tom Saywer. He also made up stories. He said that was killed. Another thing he lied about about killing people, but they didn’t kill anybody.
In Conclusion, I think that Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in CHS. I think that because of all the bad things said, and done and thought about. You should not taught them kind of things. That is why I don’t think Huck Finn should not be taught in Constitution High School.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Photo Montage

I think that photomontage is a bunch of picture pulled together to be one picture that proves a point.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

published essay (pog 2)

There are two reasons why I am right this essay because it is the best essay I wrote so far in this school. I feel real confident about the grading rubric will prevail and give me a good grade. Another reason why I chose to write this essay is because I think that my opening and closing paragraphs are good. They really tell and sum up what I writing about.

U.S Constitution
Period 1/2

Philosophy of Government (POG 2)

Doing things such as calling your friends with your mind and getting places without waiting. They are both things that you can do with the iChip. People could take advantage of the iChip, and hack into peoples computers. Then President Young passed a bill that only citizens over the age of eight-teen would receive an iChip. The Constitution does effectively protect U.S citizens liberties because during the iDeal society there was a press conference to declare a citizens freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, and the right to pass a bill.
In article 1 section 1, the Constitution states that all citizens have the right to speak their mind and Shay stated that. She told the President and I quote " I am going to blow up your house." That made a very big ordeal with President. That made him very made him very scared for his life, so Shay was imprisoned. Any body who threatens the life of the President will be jailed at that very minute and she was. She did something about it.
Shay Miller was very upset that her first amendment was violated, so she demanded her right to a fair trial. The Constitution states that any citizen guilty or not guilty has the right to a fair trial, and that is just what Shay did. Shay did exactly that. Shay won the right to her freedom and she won her case. The Supreme Court Justices ruled in favor of Shay and was released from jail. If it wasn't for the first amendment Shay would probably still be in jail for threatening the life of the president.
During the iDeal society the citizens the citizens where trying to pass many bills, but only one was passed. The bill was that only citizens under the age of eighteen would not receive an iChip. A bill could only be made a bill by going thought many steps. First, it has to be approved by the House of Representatives, and then go through the Senate. Then if they approve it will be passed by the President or otherwise vetoed. In the iDeal society case the bill was passed and now only adult get the iChip.
In conclusion, the iDeal society does effectively resolve citizens liberties by all of my key points. When something was going to happen, there was always something to balance it out. So, the iChip will now only go in adults brain. Do you think that it is a good thing ? You tell me !


A. What is happening in the picture ? Mrs Thompson is waiting for food with her friends and hubby.

B. What were the people feeling and thinking at the time ? They were feeling very bored.

C. Why was the photograph taken ? The photgraph was taken because the people thought they were nice .

D. What title would you give this ? I would give this title Hungry People Being Hungry.


The ideal society is a big part in being somebody in your community. The ichip situation is a big part because you have a say in why you can be a citizen. Citizens should be a part in their community because it is whrere they live. People want to be a part in their society. For example, the iChip.The Ichip is a little chiip that is wanted to be placed in your brain. It is supposed to help you with your decisions. I think the ichip is bad because you don't want little kids with that kind of stuff in their brains. That is not cool. That is what i think of the ideal society.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Freedom or Security

I think that people should be free, but you can't be free without having security. Being secure is very important because it is very important because if you are free to walk outside then you have to be secure. Being secure is a big part in your life. You can have fun and be good at the same time. Safety is really key in a life for being protected.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Philosophy of government

The way I think of government is that the government has so much to do with everybodys life. Without thew government you wouldnt be who you are today. The government rule so many things life the economy, your life , and your surroundings. It watches most everything you do. When you charge something to your account it tells you. It keepsyou updated and that is why IU tihnk government is nessacary.