Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Huckleberry Finn Should Not be taught in CHS

Huck Finn is being read all over the nation. It is also probably the most talked about issue about over being read in schools. I will tell you a couple of reasons why I think that it should not be taught in Constitution High School. This is what I think.
The first reason why I think that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in Con High is because of the language. The language in this book is horrible. They use the “N” word way too much. That should not be written in any books for kids to read. Young kids should not be exposed to that kind of language. The grammar in the story is also horrible. You should speak properly. Talk right instead of saying yall and git, that is not the right way to talk.
Another reason why Huck Finn should not be taught in CHS is that there are a lot of bad influences. You do not want students to be subjected to that type of influences. Some of the influences are smoking, drinking, joining gangs. Smoking is bad. Kids should not be taught about smoking. They also drank alcohol. Both drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes should not be exposed to those type of things. Huck Finn joined a gang. They were talking about holding people for hostage and killing people. They should not be reading that kind of stuff.
Growing up kids were being told that lieing is bad. To tell the truth when you have to. Well, in Huck Finn all he does is lie. Huck Finn lies about everything. He lies about pretending to be like people. He pretended to be like Tom Saywer. He also made up stories. He said that was killed. Another thing he lied about about killing people, but they didn’t kill anybody.
In Conclusion, I think that Huckleberry Finn should not be taught in CHS. I think that because of all the bad things said, and done and thought about. You should not taught them kind of things. That is why I don’t think Huck Finn should not be taught in Constitution High School.