Tuesday, November 25, 2008

8th Annotation Primary

Lyceum Address Speech, Abraham Lincoln 1838 Copyright 2008

This website is a primary source because of the fact that he wrote the speech himself. It talks about friendship and religion. This will really help my project because I can put some quotes in there.

Friday, November 21, 2008

7th Annotation

Shorto, Russell " Abraham Lincoln and the End of Slavery" Abraham Lincoln, 2005 11/21/08

This website gave me a good look at Abraham Lincolns view towards slavery and his actions towards the abolishment. This is a secondary source.

6th Annotations

Fowler, Tracey Lincoln's Life Abraham Lincoln 2005 World Book On-Line Encyclopedia 11/21/08


This website is from a group of 4th graders from Illinios but they are very intellegent and i found these articles very good because of the fact that it talks about Lincolns whole life. They have from the day he was born until the day he died. It has the most important activities from his life.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

5th annotation

Fairbanks, Eugene Feb 2008 copyright 2008 11/8/08

From this website I got a lot of pictures of the sculptures that are around the world of Abraham Lincoln.

Revivsed thesis statement and introduction

Abraham Lincoln is very influential for things he has accomplished such as his dedacation to his country and the way he felt about slavery. Abraham LIncoln was president during the 1860's and then he was sadly killed by John Wilkes Booth at the Ford's Threatre.

Introduction- Abraham LIncoln, the sixteenth president of the United States and in my opinion, the most influential person in American history. Abraham Lincoln was born on Feb 12, 1809. He was married to Mary Todd.

fourth annotation

Gettysburg Address Author Dens Copyright 2008 11/10/08

From this website I got to read the whole Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address is probably the most influential speeches of all time.

3rd Annotation and Thesis statement

There is no aurthor to this website. Copyright 1995-2008 1/09/08

This website gave me so much information that it is remarkable. There is everything you need to know about him. It talks about from when he was born until the day he died. It is incredible.

Thesis Statement -

Abraham Lincoln is the most influential person in American history because he was the sixteenth president of the United States and wanted to abolish slavery and another reason why I believe he is so influential is because he died for what he believed in.

Second annotation

Heritage Microfilm, Copyright 2008 There was no author on this page. 11/07/08

From this website I got information of Abraham Lincolns accomplishments from becoming President, to making speeches called the Emancipation Proclamation

first annotation

R.J Norton , Andrew Patel December 26th, 1996 11/07/08

From this website I got a whole bunch of information of Abraham Lincoln. The website told me basically everything that you need to know about Abrahams life. It told me where he is from, his family, and his birthplace. It also talks about his path to the white house.

This website also is very informative about his role in the civil war. This is a secondarey source because it is a website about Abraham Lincoln but the author wasn't there.