Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Civil War Affected Soldiers

The American Civil War was a very long fought battle over the rights of freedom. With Abraham Lincoln running the country he was a man that was very important during the war. Abraham Lincoln was against slavery. He believed that every man deserved to be free because of the Declaration of Independence states that “ All Men are Created Equal.” The American Civil War was a very intense war that lasted from 1861 until 1865. They had many battles and fights such as The Battle of Fort Sumpter, Battle of Rich Mountain, Battle of the Monitor and Merrimac, Battle of Shiloh, Battle of New Orleans, The Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks), Battle of Harper's Ferry, The Battle of Fredericksburg, The Battle of Chancellorsville, The Siege of Vicksburg, The Battle of Chickamauga, The Battle of Chattanooga, The Battle in the Wilderness, The Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse, The Battle of Cold Harbor, The Siege of Petersburg, The Battle of Atlanta, General Sherman's March to the Sea, The Richmond Campaign, Battles of Bull Run, Battle of Vicksburg, Battle of Gettysburg, and the Battle of Antietam. These battles where very long fatal attacks and they were all out hectic.
The American Civil War was fought between the North and the South over freedom for the slaves. I do not just think that the American Civil War was not just fought for freedom, but was fought for a mans dignity. When it comes to people they feel as thou they should be treated with respect and if you were a slave then you where not treated like a man. You were treated like you where a nothing in life. If I were a slave then I would think that is worth fighting for.
During the American Civil War they had many people fight in the war. They had an estimate of three million people fight for the North and the South. They had African Americans who wanted to fight in the war for freedom and they drafted white men to fight in the war. They called it the draft riots. The American Civil War was fought with drastic measures to the point where it looked like a bloodbath just occurred. There were about over 600,000 people who paid the ultimate price of death for their freedom. Most of the deaths occurred at The Battle of Antietam. The Battle of Antietam was held on September 16th through September 18th during the year of 1862. It was held in Washington County with General Robert E Lee for the Confederate Soldiers and George B McClellan for the Union Soldiers. The Battle of Antietam had a total of 23,100 casualties. The reason why there were so many casualties was because of the tactics of the generals on both sides. The Generals from the Union took an approach to the war called The Anaconda Plan. The Anaconda Plan was put in action by General Winfield Scott of the General. The Anaconda Plan that was a Union Naval Blockade of the Confederacy to block off any type of attack on the Union.
Through out the whole entire Civil War many people have become affected by the war. The American Civil War affected blacks, whites, short people, tall people, skinny people, and fat people. The point is that the American Civil War effected many people, but if I would have to say, I believe that the Civil War probably affected the Soldiers in the war the most. The soldiers in the war had a really bad life during the war. The American Civil War was not just tearing the country apart but it was tearing families from the North and the South apart. Sons and Daughters of the soldiers from both sides were losing their fathers. They were growing up with no father and that would be really hard for a mother with no job to support there families because mothers were just supposed to be in charge of the house like cleaning, cooking, laundry, and the dishes. From a letter from Lucy Knox to her husband, General Henry Knox in 1777 she said:
“ I wish I had fifty guineas to spare to send by her for necessary - but I have not – the very little gold we have must be reserved for my Love in case he should be taken- for friends in such a case are not too common”.
Soldiers in the Civil War were also missing their families like crazy. In that same letter from Lucy Knox she said to her husband:
“ Little Lucy who is without exception the sweetest child in the world – sends you a kiss but where I take it from say you-from the paper I hope- but dare I say I sometimes fear that a long absence the force of bad example may lead you to forget me at sometimes- to know that it even gave you pleasure to be in company with the finest woman in the world, would be worse than death to me- but it is not so, my Harry is too just too delicate too sincere”.
Another thing that helps me discuss the soldiers in the American Civil War would be there medical attention. The soldiers in the Civil War were not getting treated with good attention. Some of the time, if the injury could not be repaired without surgery then they would just amputate the limb. In this letter home from a Civil War soldier, the soldier said: “ I am well all but my arm the sore on my arme is nearly cured up but the riseing under my arme is swollen very mutch it is as large as your fist or nrar and gives me a great deel of paine I don’t apprehend any danger from it Well Sallie I was so glad to here from you and racieve a few lines from your kind hand for it seemed like it had been six months since I received a letter from your kind hand do not neglect writing to me often as you can fore if I were to receive a letter from you every too or thre days it would please me very mutch write a soon as you can”.
Another reason why the Soldiers had the worst lives during the American Civil War was because of their living conditions. In a letter from a soldier to his wife it says:
“ Excitement, Suspense, Anxiety are stamped on every countenance, All day we have heard the boom of cannon, We have not been told but know too well from whence it comes, And we know that many brave soldiers now lie cold in death, who only this morning were full of life and hope, Oh, Dr. Jones what agony would be mine to – night, did I not know this field of duty to which your country calls you, leads not to constant exposure on the field of battle, that today your dear bosom has not be exposed to those missiles of death hurled by our enemies Dr Kennedy will start tommorow for this battlefield. I write a few lines by him thinking to turn your thoughts for a moment homeward - I pause- what news have I, of what I can write but some trivial affair? do I thus expect to draw your attention while surround by death,- or give consolation to your heart, aching with sympathy for your suffering comrades I cannot write even connected sentences for my own heart is throbbing with such pain and anxiety, such mingled emotions of hope and fear. The result of this battle is unknown to us, though I have all confidence in our brave soldiers and able Generals yet I shudder when I think of what might justly be sent upon us to farther chastise our still harden hearts”.
In Conclusion, I believe that the soldiers in the American Civil War had it the worst through out the war because of their living conditions. The soldiers had to live in really bad housing. They also had to fight without good clothing. Some of the soldiers were fighting in no shoes, dirty socks, and nasty underwear. The soldiers in the Civil War also had really bad medical attention. The soldiers who had an injury could not get it surgically repaired so they just got their limbs cut off. Now do not get me wrong, a lot of the people during the Civil War era had it bad the the soldiers were just not having a good experience.

Monday, March 16, 2009

School Store

" Do you have a pencil I can borrow?"
" No I'm sick of giving you pencils. Go to the school store and get some"

Thats right! Constitution High School is opening up its very first school store. Soon there will be a solution to all of the no notebooks, and pencils. The school store will be sell things such as pens, pencils, and clothes. Do you know how I found this information out? I interviewed the man responsible for this.
Juliene Jimenez- How is the school store progressing? We have almost all the furniture, some of the school supplies are coming in and we are waiting for two fridges coming in, so it is coming along well.
What will be sold at the school store? School supplies, snacks such as chips and cookies, drinks such as soda and juice, and official school clothing.
When will it be open? We expect the school store to be open hopefully after spring break.
Will there be any special events that will be held at the school store? Yes there will be a back to school sale, bake sales, and holiday specials.
Another person I interviewed was John Stallworth- How do you think our school store will turn out? I didn't even know we were going to open a school store.
What do you think we should sell? I think they should sell pens, rulers, snacks, and merits.
In conclusion, the school store is turning out well. We expect it to be open very very soon. I hope it turns out very expectingly and now will make our school a lot of money.